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GBOD Resolution - Loan Approval

1994 Property Development Agreement


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Project History

The following information is extracted from documents filed with the Alameda County Superior Court in response to the claims by GM Tyner and the MWPHGL.  For the information of the craft they can go to the reports made during the cited Grand Lodge sessions or to the minutes of the Board of Grand Directors (GBD) meetings which are also cited.

 1.       The minutes of the GBD meeting March 5-6, 1993 when East Gate Lodge #44 made a presentation proposing a partnership between MWPHGL and East Gate to allow them to renovate their building.

 2.      The counsel for MWPHGL, Chalmers E. Lones, Esq. in a letter dated March 29, 1993, advised that a partnership Between MWPHGL and East Gate could not be legally consumed.  In the letter he proposed a method that would allow East Gate to renovate its building with the assistance of MWPHGL.

 3.      In a letter from the Chairman of the Board, Johnny Gentry, April 10, 1993, and a subsequent letter dated May 24, 1993, options for developing the property and outlining an agreement between MWPHGL and East Gate were presented.

 4.      In a letter dated June 11, 1993, East Gate Lodge #44 accepted a “Gentleman’s Agreement” to develop the properties owned by MWPHGL and East Gate by combining the properties owned by each entity.

 5.      The proposal was presented to the MWPHGL at its Annual Communication in 1993.  Grand Director Edward Boynton moved and Past Master Charles E. Tyner seconded the tabling of the item.  The motion carried.

 6.      During the 1993 Annual Communication the MWPHGL directed the GBD to review the proposal which had been tabled in 1993.  A presentation was made to the GBD by Twenty First Century Development, Inc, (PM James Gaskins, owner) regarding the construction of a multi-purpose building designed to house a complex consisting of rental units for Senior Citizens, A Grand Lodge Office, and a Masonic Meeting Hall.  The GBD recommended to the MWPHGL that the project be approved.  The report from the GBD was accepted by the MWPHGL.

7.      7.     GD Young, Chairman of Business Management North, wrote a letter to Chalmers E. Lones, Esq. asking for his review of the agreement between MWPHGL and East Gate.  In his response in a letter dated September 20, 1994, Atty. Lones recommended a redraft of the development agreement between MWPHGL and East Gate.  In summary the recommendation was that East Gate Lodge #44 would convey its property to MWPHGL for development by the Prince Hall Grand Lodge a low rent senior citizen’s housing project, incorporating meeting rooms and office space for lodge use.  MWPHGL would provide start-up money for the beginning of the project development; a housing management board would be formed consisting of representatives from MWPHGL, East Gate Lodge, as well as such other entities, agencies or persons as may be required by law or regulations relating to the development and management of the project.

 8.      Any surplus derived from the property after payment of indebtedness, development and maintenance costs following completion of the project, as determined by the Board of Directors of the Prince Hall Grand Lodge, shall be distributed 70% to the Prince Hall Grand Lodge and 30% to East Gate Lodge #44.  Should the project be sold, any surplus shall be so divided.  The Property Development Agreement was signed by Grand Master Harold D. Mure, Grand Secretary Louis J. Carter, and GD Frederick B. Young, Jr. representing MWPHGL and Malcolm Westbrook and Donald Westbrook representing East Gate.

 9.      East Gate executed a grant deed September 7, 1994, deeding its property to MWPHGL.

 10.     At a Board of Directors meeting September 9-11, 1994, the modified agreement with East Gate Lodge #44 was accepted.

 11.     The minutes for every Board of Directors meeting and every report to Grand Lodge at its annual communication contained information updates and status reports on the project.  These reports started with the September 1994 board meeting and continued up to the Grand Board of Directors meeting held during the annual communication in 2007.

 12.    After the death of Atty. Lones two other attorneys were utilized by the MWPHGL, Past Master, Judge Harry Downes and Sandra Jones-Anderson, Esq.  Both of them had reviewed and rendered legal opinions of the agreements and operations of the MWPHA, Inc.  Their opinions were particularly sought when the Grand Lodge was informed that in order for the project to receive Federal funding administered by the California Tax Credit Allocation Commission that we had to establish 501(c) (3) status.

13.  13.     The Board of Directors of MWPHGL adopted a resolution in 1998 authorizing Grand Director Young to negotiate contracts for financing, construction, and any other action requested to complete the project.  The resolution was signed by the Grand Secretary on August 15, 1999.

 14.    The corporate formation documents were prepared by Mrs. Dianne Jackson McLean, Esq. Incorporator, a member of the law offices of Goldfarb & Lipman, San Francisco , CA . The documents were endorsed by the Secretary of State of California on August 7, 1999.

 15.     The GBD reported to the MWPHGL during the 2001 Annual Session that MWPHA, Inc. had been incorporated to meet the tax credit rules.  The report also included information on the various investment companies and developers who had signed letters of intent to construct the building but subsequently withdrew from their commitments.

 16.      On March 23, 2005, the Board of Directors of MWPHGL adopted a resolution granting to MWPHA, Inc. the right to obtain the parcels previously combined by MWPHGL and East Gate Lodge #44 for the purpose of completing the construction of the senior housing project identified as MW Prince Hall Arms.  The resolution also authorized the Chairman of the Board of MWPHGL, Frederick B. Young, Jr. and the Vice-President of MWPHA, Inc. Malcolm Westbrook to do any and all of the activities contemplated in the resolution, i.e., negotiate contracts, arrange financing, etc.   Download resolution HERE.

 17.     During a GBD meeting convened via teleconference on April 17, 2005, the Board agreed to cosign a predevelopment loan for $500,000.00.  The agreement was validated by a resolution.

 18.      The loan was repaid and a letter of Full Reconveyance releasing MWPHGL from its obligation as a cosigner for the loan was sent via certified mail to Billy G. Harrington, Grand Secretary, on June 27, 2007.

 19.      A second predevelopment loan was acquired by MWPHA, Inc. from Sean Buckley Real Estate, Inc. March 21, 2007. The loan application included the Entity Status of MWPHA, Inc. which was provided to establish the right of MWPHA, Inc. to operate as a separate organization to enter contracts and to conduct other business under its own name, independently of MWPHGL.  The loan is current.

 20.      No funds have been received from MWPHGL since 1997.  Money spent from that date were funds received through loans made against the property and advances from the City of Berkeley from its Housing Trust Funds.